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Monika Maria Möhring hält Vortrag auf der Euroma Konferenz 2017

Doktoranden / Research Supervision

  • PhD Supervisor at Adam Smith Business School, Glasgow University (external); Torsten Nattermann, M.Sc., together with Prof. John Finch (finished 2020)

  • PhD Mentor at Heidelberg University of Education; Kristina Lucius, M.A. (finished 2021)

  • PhD supervisor at ISCTE-IUL Lisbon (external); Martin Balint, Dipl.-Log., M.Sc., together with Joao Vilas-Boas da Silva

  • PhD supervisor at ISCTE-IUL Lisbon (external); Andreas Deitmer, M.Sc., together with Joao Vilas-Boas da Silva.

Forschungsinteressen / Theoretical research interests

  • Supply Chain Management, Industrial Networks

  • Value Co-Creation, Innovation, Servitization

  • Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, RFID, 3D printing

  • Project and Process Management, Contracts

  • Industrial B2B Marketing, Long-term Buyer-Supplier-Relationships

  • Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain

Forschungsumgebung / Domains of research

  • Multinational Corporations and SMEs

  • Consortiae of industries, government and academia

  • District Administration, Humanitarian NGOs

  • Branches: Automotive, Warehousing, Transport, Information Technology, Chemical and Power

Vorlesungen / Lectures

B.Sc. Logistics Management:

  • Introduction into Logistics Management

  • Aviation Management

  • Project Management

  • International Management

  • Logistics Strategy

  • Advanced Research Methods and Research Philosophy

  • Marketing Management

M.Sc. Supply Chain Management

  • Strategic Management

  • Managing the Supply Chain

  • Supply Chain Controlling

  • Negotiations

M.Sc. in Management of Services and Technology (ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon)

  • Innovation Management​

Bücher / Books

Konferenzen und Veröffentlichungen / Conferences and Papers

Moehring, M. (2023). Supply Chain Risks in the German Automotive Industry – Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic. The 5th International Conference on Organization and Management, Abu Dhabi.

Moehring, M.M., Braun, J.U., Bachmann, L. & Weiberg, V. (2023). Large-Scale Clinical Operations: Setup of a Pandemic-Induced Warehouse. POMS 2023 International Conference, Paris.

Deitmer, A., Moehring, M.M., and Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. (2023). Digital Accessibility in Multinational Enterprises: a Meta Study. The Eighth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments, Venice.

Moehring, M.M., Goerenekli, S., and Guerler, A. (2023). Digital Audio-Tactile Graphics for Inclusion in Education, the Workplace and Everyday Life. The Eighth International Conference on Universal Accessibility in the Internet of Things and Smart Environments, Venice.

Moehring, M., & Huber, S. (2022). Lean & Green – Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions of a German Lead Logistics Provider. Proceedings of the 6th World Conference in Production and Operations Management, Nara, Japan.

Moehring, M. (2022). Project-Based Learning for Operations Management in Clinical Healthcare. Proceedings of the 6th World Conference in Production and Operations Management, Nara, Japan.

Deitmer, A., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J., & Moehring, M. (2022). Digital Accessibility in Multinational Enterprises: Developing a Research Agenda. Proceedings of the 29th EurOMA Conference, Berlin.

Moehring, M. (2022). Studienerfolg durch aktive und passive Kontrollierbarkeit  – Ein konzeptuelles Rahmenwerk zur Barrierefreiheit seheingeschränkter Studierender. In: Voß-Nakkour, S., Rustemeyer, L., Moehring, M., Deitmer, A., & Grimminger, S. (2022). Digitale Barrierefreiheit in der Lehre weiter denken. Frankfurt: Goethe Universität.

Mahnke, T., & Moehring, M. (2022). Inklusiver Unterricht in MINT-Fächern bei Sehbehinderung. In: Voß-Nakkour, S., Rustemeyer, L., Moehring, M., Deitmer, A., & Grimminger, S. (2022). Digitale Barrierefreiheit in der Lehre weiter denken. Frankfurt: Goethe Universität.


Goerenekli, S., & Moehring, M. (2021). Funktionellen Ontologien in technischen Studiengängen: Taktile Grafiken für blinde und sehbehinderte Studierende. Netzwerktreffen Digitale Barrierefreiheit des BliZ der Technischen Hochschule Mittelhessen und des Studium Digitale der Goethe Universität Frankfurt.

Bálint, M., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. and Möhring, M.M. (2021), Investigating stakeholder engagement and absorptive capacity as drivers of green innovations at German 3PL companies. Proceedings of the 28th EurOMA Conference, Berlin.

Pedrinho, A., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J., Möhring, M.M. and Stich, C. (2020), Improving Concept Development Success Rates by Effective Redesign of Internal Collaborative Processes. Proceedings of the 27th EurOMA Conference, Warwick.

Bálint, M., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J. and Möhring, M.M. (2020), Exploring the Environmental Sustainability Capabilities and Resource Management Strategies of German Third-Party Logistics Providers (3PL). Proceedings of the 27th EurOMA Conference, Warwick.

Möhring, M.M. (2020), "Achieving Customer Centric Digital Transformation: Shifting To Personalised CX & To More Educated Customers", Digital Customer Experience Forum: BFSI Market, Berlin. See online here, last accessed 30.03.2021.

Al Razy, A., Mirnoori, V., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J.M., da Silva, A., Moehring, M.M., Duarte de Almeida, I. (2019), „Sustainable Customer Relationship Management for BIM Procurement in the Ornamental Stones Cluster under Industry 4.0“. Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki.

Duarte de Almeida, I., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J.M., Moehring, M.M. (2019), „Impact of Business Students' Subconscious in Ethical Decision-Making“, Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki.

Costa, N.A., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J.M., Duarte de Almeida, I., Moehring, M.M. (2019), „PRIvacy Management Responsibility On a Scrutinized Environment (PRIMROSE) - A management method to address privacy challenges“, Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki.

Balint, M., Moehring, M.M., Vilas-Boas da Silva, J.M. (2019), „Linking procedural and interactional justice perceptions with organizational commitment through formation of perceived organizational support“, Proceedings of the 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki.

Moehring, M.M., Mohr, J. (2019), „Autonomous Vehicles for Sterile Campus Transport Among Operating Theatres: Applied Research in Large-Scale Clinical Scenarios“, Proceedings of the 2019 INFORMS International Conference, Cancun.

Moehring, M.M., Geiss, C., Warnecke, C., Haus, I. (2019), „Punctuality Measurement in European Rail Freight Collaboration: Empirical Interoperability Analyses in the Rhine-Alpine Corridor“, Proceedings of the 2019  INFORMS International Conference, Cancun.

Moehring, M.M. (2018), "Value-in-use in Supply Chain Management: a case for Service-Dominant Logic". Proceedings of the POMS 2018 International Conference, Granada.

Moehring, M.M. (2018), "Diagnosing patient-centric processes: mixed-methods research in large-scale clinical operations and logistics". Proceedings of the POMS 2018 International Conference, Granada. 


Moehring, M.M.  (2018), "Traveling the value journey: Agile development for high-tech B2B co-innovation". World Class Digital Communications and Customer Experience, Frankfurt.


Almeida, I., da Silva, J., and Möhring, M.M. (2018), "Student evaluation of teaching effectiveness: implications for scholars in operations management", Proceedings of the 25th EurOMA Conference, Budapest.


Costa, N., da Silva, J., and Möhring, M.M. (2018),  Definition of key drivers for project success regarding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Proceedings of the 25th EurOMA Conference, Budapest.


Xing, J., da Silva, J., and Möhring, M.M. (2018), Sustainable development assessment of main industrial areas in Germany under a dynamic DPSIR framework and the SAF approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on Resource Sustainability, Bejing, China.


Möhring, M.M. (2018), “At any cost”? Diagnosing the Acceptance of Industry 4.0 Implementation in the Supply Chain.

Vortrag auf der 9th POMS-HongKong International Conference, Hong Kong.


Möhring, M.M. (2018), The Significance of “Time” in Supply Chain Interaction. Vortrag auf der 9th POMS-HongKong International Conference, Hong Kong.

Gruppenbild mit Monika Maria Möhrng in der Mitte

Möhring, M.M. (2017), " From invention to innovation: Co-creating industrial value-in-use", Proceedings of the 24th EurOMA Conference, Edinburgh.

Möhring, M.M. (2017), "Evasive behavior in high technology innovation projects: Analyzing the free rider phenomenon", Proceedings of the 24th EurOMA Conference, Edinburgh.

Möhring, M.M. and Nattermann, T. (2016), "Assessing intralogistical suitability of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in combination with Industry 4.0 technologies", Proceedings of the 23rd EurOMA Conference, Trondheim.

Möhring, M.M. and Helmke, T. (2016), "The empowerment of asylum seekers in German communal disaster recovery: a research agenda for supply chain design in humanitarian logistics", Proceedings of the 23rd EurOMA Conference, Trondheim

Möhring, M.M. (2016), “Industrial customer-centric high-technological innovation: a research and managerial framework”, Proceedings of the 5 th World Conference in Production and Operations Management, Havana.

Möhring, M.M. (2016), “From captivity to fandom: How new-to-the-world business IT developments can enhance customer loyalty”, 2. WirtschaftsWoche Forum Ada Lovelace Festival, Berlin.

Möhring, M.M. and Prester, J. (2015), “Supply-push or technology-pull towards innovation? Setting a preliminary research agenda for Croatian SME suppliers and German automotive corporations”, Proceedings of the 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel.

Möhring, M.M. and Finch, J. (2015), “Shaping of time in inter-organizational collaboration: Linking joint sense-making to dimensions of practice and temporal perspective”, Proceedings of the 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens.

Möhring, M.M. and Finch, J. (2015), “Diagnosing industrial collaboration using Repertory Grid technique: nomothetic elements and constructs”, Proceedings of the 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel.

M.M. Möhring, J. Finch, 2014: “Topology and processes of dyadic servitization in innovation in innovation-centric supply chains”, Proceedings of the 21 st EurOMA Conference, Palermo, Italy.

M.M. Möhring, J. Finch, 2012: “Justice in relational B2B exchanges”, Proceedings of the 28 th IMP Conference, Rome, Italy.

M.M. Möhring, J. Finch, 2011: Optimising services and lifetime of complex capital equipment, Proceedings of the  18 th EurOMA Conference, Cambridge, UK.

M.M. Möhring, J. Finch, 2011: “Optimising services and lifetime of complex capital equipment for full service”, Proceedings of the  27 th IMP Conference, Glasgow, UK.

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen / Scientific papers

M. Möhring, J. Finch (2015) | "Contracts, relationships and innovation in business-to-business exchanges" | Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing | Emerald | Link

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